Emergency Preparedness Squad program in Manitoba!

Inspire disaster-ready superheroes with the Emergency Preparedness Squad resource

Trusted by teachers and kids for 10+ years in 400+ cities

Exciting and fun arts and game-based activities

Supports science, arts, language and social studies for Gr. K-5

Supports Manitoba Learning Outcomes


Arts Education


Social Studies

Plug & Play! Minimal Prep!

Print Worksheets   

Set Up Projector  

Let The Website Do The Rest!  

How It Works

4 weekly pre-planned modules, at your own pace

Led by a website projected at the front of the class

Students do fun and engaging activities for points

Module at-a-glance (approx. 60mins)

  • 10 Minute Prep
  • Video-Led
  • Team Activities
  • Game Shows
  • Music
  • Missions

NEW: Activities have been adapted for COVID protocols

What Teachers Say

  • "Easy to use, curriculum related and students loved the videos."


    Bonnie Beveridge, Brandon, MB

  • "It was a refreshing new way to talk about important issues that the students have heard about before."


    Danette Donnely, Brandon, MB

  • "It was a well-rounded program! The students got very excited and really enjoyed going on 'missions'!"


    Lisa Meadows, Brandon, MB


The Emergency Preparedness Squad program trains kids as emergency preparedness superheroes to make sure families are ready when disaster strikes!

Program Modules

Module 1 -

Know the Risks

An A-Z overview of different disasters. Introduces ways we can be better prepared and teaches the Superhero Calming Breath!

Module 2 -

Make a Plan

Planning 101: Why plan? How making plans before an emergency event can help you stay calm. Helps kids lead their families in planning for emergencies.

Module 3 -

Get a Kit

Helps kids make a ‘grab-and-go’ bag to make sure they stay safe during the first 72hrs of an emergency.

Module 4 -

We’re In This Together

Emergencies can bring out the best in communities. We help kids celebrate how they’ve helped their families be better prepared!

Promotes 21st Century Learning

Facilitates interdisciplinary learning

combining arts, language, science and social studies curriculum

Develops the 4C's

incl. communication, critical thinking, collaboration and creativity

Connects learning to the real world

through fun at-home missions to lead change in families

Meets diverse learning needs

with engaging, arts-based group activities

Helps bring tech into the classroom

in an easy plug & play format, no special equipment needed!


Explore the modules!

Get Started, It's Free